Camosun strives to provide clear, transparent, and easily accessible policies that exemplify the college's commitment to life-changing learning.

Policy Matrix
Download the Policy Matrix, an at-a-glance reference sheet showing all of Camosun's policies and directives and the documents that support them.
All policies currently in effect are listed below, along with any supporting documents. These policies have been approved by the 51Թapp Board of GovernorsԻEducation Council.
Policy-informed directives approved by the College Executive Team are also listed below.
Note Policy and supporting documents are in PDF form.
Learn more about the framework behind Camosun's policy initiatives.
Policy Framework
P-1.1Policy Framework
Documents the parameters for policy development, approval, communication and implementation.
Supporting documents
Governance policies coverBoard governance,organizational goals and accountabilityԻEducation Council governance.
G-1 Board Governance
G-1.1 Board Conduct By-law
Members of the Board must avoid any conflict of interest that might impair or impugn the independence, integrity or impartiality of their Board.
- Oath of Office
The Oath of Office is to be sworn, signed, and dated before the Board at the commencement of all members' first meeting with the Board.
G-1.3Board Operations By-Law
Clarify the role and responsibilities of the Board of Governors in policy governance and decision making at 51Թapp.
G-1.5Finance Committee Terms of Reference
The Board Finance Committee is responsible for monitoring significant financial planning, managing and reporting matters of the college, and making recommendations to the Board of Governors for adoption.
G-1.7Board Executive Committee Terms of Reference
The Executive Committee is to deal with matters relating to the Board's role as an employer, with student appeals, and with emergency situations.
Supporting documents
G-1.8Board Out-of-Pocket Expenses
Guidelines and processes for requesting and reimbursing out-of-pocket expenses for Board members.
G-1.9Risk and Audit Committee Terms of Reference
The Board Audit Committee is responsible for assisting the Board in fulfilling its financial accountability and oversight responsibilities.
G-2 Organizational Goals and Accountability
G-2.1Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Establishes the principles, aspirations and commitments of 51Թapp in the areas of equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Supporting documents
Guides decision-making as the college community navigates policy development, planning, curriculum development and approvals as well hiring and the general commitment to the maintenance and support of relationships with Indigenous communities.
G-2.3Corporate Relations
Guides decision-making with respect to the nature, scope and limitations of relationships the college will develop with the business and professional community.
G-2.4Land Use
As the college implements its Strategic Plan and Campus Plan, proposals will emerge which would require construction on, or would otherwise affect college property.
G-2.5 Strategic Plan
Articulates 51Թapp’s values and principles related to developing a strategic plan.
G-2.6 Asset Naming
Sets the parameters to govern the naming of assets, in recognition of financial or philanthropic contributions from individuals, businesses, organizations, and others.
Supporting documents
- G-2.6.1 Asset Naming Standards & Procedures
- G-2.6.2 Naming Review Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
G-2.7 Protected Disclosure
To establish mechanisms that enable a 51Թapp employee or former employee to disclose without reprisal a suspected Wrongdoing as defined in the Public Interest Disclosure Act.
Supporting documents
G-3 Education Council Governance
G-3.1Education Council Bylaws
The objectives of the Education Council are to fulfill the roles and powers defined by Sections 23, 24, and 25, except as amended under Section 25 (1) (b) of the College and Institute Act.
Supporting documents
Education and Academic policies governprogramming and instruction,student services and support,research and copyright.
E-1 Programming and Instruction
E-1.1Academic Progress
Defines the college-wide standard for academic progress and will establish principles and protocols to assist students, their instructors, and administrative staff to monitor and intervene when a student is "at risk."
E-1.2Academic Schedule
To establish an academic schedule that meets the needs of the academic programming at 51Թapp.
E-1.3Work Integrated Learning
To establish the processes and standards for the inclusion of work integrated learning (WIL) in educational programs at 51Թapp.
Supporting documents
E-1.4Credential Standards
To ensure the validity, consistency and quality of credentials issued by the college.
Supporting documents
To ensure that grading and promotion are consistent and fair.
Supporting documents
E-1.6Educational Approvals
To establish the process for the approval of all educational programs at 51Թapp and to identify the approval body for each type of program.
Supporting documents
- E-1.6.1 SchoolCurriculum Committee Terms of Reference
- E-1.6.2 Framework for Programs and Credentials
- E-1.6.3 Expedited Implementation Process
E-1.7International Education
To establish principles and guidelines that enable the college to realize the International Education Mission Statement.
E-1.8Prior Learning Assessment
To provide guidelines to determine the equivalencies of students' prior learning experiences to formal college credits.
E-1.9Program Advisory Committees
To establish common standards for the establishment and ongoing support of 51Թapp Program Advisory Committees to better enable program currency and relevance and to provide a valued link to our community.
Supporting documents
- E-1.9.1 Program Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
- E-1.9.2 Program Advisory Committee Roles and Responsibilities
E-1.10Scheduling Instructional Space
To establish College-wide standards for scheduling instructional space and to define best practices for how it will be scheduled in order to maximize student access and space utilization.
E-1.11Program Suspension and Cancellation
All programs are evaluated on an ongoing basis to ensure program relevancy and effectiveness. Where it is identified that a program is no longer sustainable, a recommendation may be made to suspend or cancel a program.
E-1.12Program Quality Assurance
Articulates the College’s commitment to program quality assurance and continuous improvement of the student learning experience and outcomes.
E-1.13Academic Integrity
The Academic Integrity policy outlines 51Թapp’s academic expectations for all students and articulates the College’s values and principles with respect to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity. The policy and its supporting documents describe how matters of academic misconduct are addressed and resolved.
Supporting documents
- E-1.13.1 Process for Documenting & Addressing Academic Misconduct
- E-1.13.2 Standards for Records Management – Academic Integrity
- E-1.13.3 Academic Integrity Appeals FORM
- E-1.13.4 Academic Dishonesty LOI TEMPLATE(May not work with Chrome)
- E-1.13.5 Guide to Academic Misconduct Typology
E-1.14Grade Review and Appeals
The purpose of the Grade Review and Appeals policy is to provide information, responsibilities, and processes for students who wish to request a review of term work, request a final grade review or appeal a final grade. It also informs instructors, department Chairs/Program Leaders, and College administrators of their responsibilities in the process.
Supporting documents
- E-1.14.1 Process for Requesting Grade Review and Appeals
- E-1.14.2 Standards for Records Management - Grade Appeals
- E-1.14.3 Final Grade Review Request to Dean-Director FORM
- E-1.14.4 Grade Appeals to EdCo Appeals Panel FORM
E-1.15Academic Calendar
Describes and defines the annual Academic Calendar for regular studies at 51Թapp.
E-1.16 Evaluation of Student Learning
The purpose of the Evaluation of Student Learning policy is to provide guiding principles to support faculty in evaluating student learning in a fair manner.
E-1.17 Final Exam Reschedule and Repeat
The purpose of the Final Exam Repeat and Reschedule policy is to provide clear direction to Schools, instructors, and students on the rights and responsibilities with respect to Final Exams. Moreover, this policy articulates 51Թapp’s values, principles, and conditions around rescheduling Final Exams and repeating Final Exams.
Supporting Documents
E-2 Student Services and Support
To define the criteria and conditions for admission to 51Թapp and its programs.
E-2.2Course Withdrawals
To establish clear, consistent principles and guidelines for the course withdrawal process.
E-2.3Student Ancillary Fees
To establish guidelines for the assessment of student fees for goods and services provided by the college.
Supporting documents
E-2.5Student Misconduct
To provide clear expectations of appropriate non-academic student conduct and to establish processes for resolution of conduct issues or the imposition of sanctions for inappropriate conduct.
Supporting documents
E-2.6Tuition Fees
Establishes principles for a sustainable tuition fee model for base-funded courses and programs
E-2.7Student Penalties and Fines
To identify key principles related to the imposition of student penalties and fines.
E-2.8Medical/Compassionate Withdrawals
To provide the option for a student to request a medical/compassionate withdrawal and fee refund under exceptional circumstances.
Supporting documents
E-2.9Sexual Violence
To communicate 51Թapp's commitment to prevent and respond to sexual violence.
Supporting documents
E-2.10Involuntary Health and SafetyWithdrawal
This policy enables 51Թapp to institute an Involuntary Withdrawal when a student exhibits concerning behaviour that prevents or limits their ability to function safely within the College community. This policy provides for an Involuntary Withdrawal to be the final option after all other policies and processes, supports, concessions, academic accommodations, and withdrawal opportunities have been assessed.
Supporting documents
- E-2.10.1 Involuntary Health and Safety Withdrawal Procedure
- E-2.10.2 Involuntary Health and Safety Withdrawal Appeals Form
E-2.11Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
The new policy sets out the standards and principles by which academic accommodations will be approved including expectations for both the institution and the student.
Supporting documents
- E-2.11.1 Policy Supporting Document
- Second Stage Appeal Form(May not work with Chrome)
- Final Stage Appeal Form(May not work with Chrome)
E-3 Research and Copyright
E-3.1Research at Camosun
To establish principles for maintaining high standards for research at 51Թapp.
E-3.2Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Human Subjects
To establish principles and guidelines for maintaining quality and ethical standards and principles for the conduct of research on human subjects, and for reviewing such research activities that are undertaken, sponsored by, or involve 51Թapp.
Supporting documents
- E-3.2.1 Guidelines for the Research Ethics Board (REB)
- E-3.2.2 Research Guidelines: Free and Informed Consent
- E-3.2.3 Research Guidelines: Privacy and Confidentiality
- E-3.2.4 Research Guidelines: Inclusion in Research
- E-3.2.5 Research Guidelines: Research Involving Aboriginal Peoples
- E-3.2.6 Research Guidelines: Conflicts of Interest In Research
E-3.3Integrity in Research and Scholarship
To establish principles and guidelines that promote high standards of ethics and integrity in research and scholarship affiliated with the college.
To ensure that the College complies with the provisions of the Copyright Act of Canada.
E-3.5Commercialization of Intellectual Property
To establish principles and processes related to the commercialization of original copyright material and intellectual property including inventions, patents, and trademarks.
Supporting documents
- E-3.5.1 Assignment of Intellectual Property Rights Form
- E-3.5.2 Procedures for the Commercialization of Intellectual Property
*This archived document remains online for reference, research or record-keeping purposes, and may contain out of date information. If you're looking for specific information and haven't found it, please
Operations policies governcollege systems and resources,college development,facilities,finance,human resourcesԻinformation management.
O-1 College Systems & Resources
O-1.1Acceptable Technology Use
To ensure that use of the college's network and computing systems is conducted in a manner that supports the mission, vision and values of the college, and ensures that the computing systems and network achieve optimal performance in a safe and secure learning environment.
O-1.2 Systems and Networks Administration
To establish guidelines for managing college-owned and operated computer networks and services provided on college-owned and operated networks.
O-1.5 Electronic Communication with Students
To establish principles, criteria, and guidelines for communicating with students electronically.
O-1.6 Web Properties Management
To recognize that in addition to the college website there are related unique web properties that require consistent standards of quality, management controls, and conditions of use.
O-2 College Development
O-2.1 College-wide Risk Management
To establish a coordinated approach to risk management and ultimately to establish a risk management culture at 51Թapp.
Supporting documents
- O-2.1.1 Risk Analysis Session Guidelines
- O-2.1.2 Risk Analysis Worksheet
- O-2.1.3 Risk Categories
- O-2.1.4 Risk Register Spreadsheet
- O-2.1.5 Risk Analysis Measurement Tool
- O-2.1.6 Risk Treatment Action Plan Template
- O-2.1.7 Risk Profile Template
O-2.2 Project Management Framework
To establish a common means for planning key college projects ensuring those undertaking projects have the tools to identify and analyze risks, impacts, resources and approaches to project planning, approval, communication and implementation.
O-3 Facilities
O-3.1 Environmental Management
All individuals share the responsibility for protecting the environment. The purpose of this policy is to guide the college's decision-making with respect to this responsibility.
O-3.2 Use of College Facilities and Grounds
To establish consistent principles and guidelines under which 51Թapp will use its own facilities and will make its facilities available to non-college users.
O-3.3 College Closures
To establish consistent and clear principles and guidelines for the handling of necessary college closures.
O-3.4 Serving and Selling Food and Alcohol Safely on Campus
To outline appropriate processes and responsibilities to ensure both food and alcohol are being served safely and legally on campus and for 51Թapp sanctioned activities off site.
O-3.5 Commercial Activity
To provide a framework and guide to decision making with respect to providing commercial access to the Camosun community.
O-3.6 Occupational Health and Safety
To guide decision making with regards to the College's responsibilities for Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace.
O-4 Finance
O-4.1 Financial Responsibility and Accountability
To establish a clear financial accountability framework for the college, enabling the Board, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), management team and staff to understand their responsibility and accountability related to the financial management of the college.
O-4.2 Purchasing
To establish a clear purchasing accountability framework for the college enabling the procurement of goods and services as approved through the annual operating and capital budgets.
O-4.3 Travel
To establish authority and criteria for pre-approval of travel requests; to establish and define the limits and the conditions related to travel; to guide the selection of the most cost effective means of travel; and to identify allowable expenses for travel.
Supporting documents
O-4.4 Hospitality Expenditures
To facilitate reasonable hospitality expenditures that support the college's activities and adhere to its Mission and Values while maintaining financial responsibility and accountability.
O-4.5 Investment
To establish a clear investment accountability framework for the college enabling the investment of funds to be made in the most effective and efficient manner.
O-5 Human Resources
O-5.1 Employee Exchange
To establish consistent guidelines that facilitate exchange opportunities involving 51Թapp employees.
O-5.2 Professional Fee Reimbursement
Guidelines for reimbursing the costs of professional fees.
Supporting documents
O-5.3 Vacation Scheduling
To guide the approval of vacation scheduling for all college employees; to ensure employees take their entitled vacation; and to limit the liability to the College for accrued vacation.
O-5.6 Faculty Accessibility
To establish principles related to faculty accessibility.
O-5.7 Employee Workload in Excess of Full Time
To establish consistent policy and practice regarding employment in multiple positions within the college which, when combined, constitute a workload in excess of 100%.
O-5.8 Job Sharing
To allow two permanent full-time staff to enter into a formal employment partnership which produces a temporary, more flexible working arrangement that facilitates balancing work with other commitments.
O-5.9 Unpaid Leaves of Absence
To establish college-wide principles and practices for unpaid leaves of absence.
Supporting documents
O-5.10 Respectful Workplace
51Թapp is committed to: ensuring that all individuals are treated with dignity and respect, free from discrimination, harassment and bullying and are supported in managing workplace differences; and providing an environment that respects and promotes human rights and personal dignity.
Supporting documents
- O-5.10.1 Procedures for Reporting, Resolving and/or Investigating Respectful Workplace and Human Rights Complaints
- O-5.10.2 Respectful Workplace Formal Complaint Form
- O-5.10.3 Respectful Workplace Policy Response Form
O-5.11 Standards of Conduct
To set out the principles and standards of conduct required of all employees of 51Թapp and to guide employees in identifying and resolving issues of ethical conduct and conflict of interest that may arise during the course of their employment.
O-5.12 Smoking, Vaping, and Tobacco Products
To reduce exposure to second and third-hand smoke and to promote a safe and healthy college environment.
O-5.13Total Compensation Philosophy
The college's compensation program is intended to assist in recruiting, motivating and retaining a qualified management and exempt group, by providing tangible rewards to enable the college to attain its corporate goals and objectives.
O-5.14 Employee Performance Development
The Employee Performance Development Policy articulates 51Թapp's commitment to a performance planning, review, and development process that is grounded in good practice, sound principles and reflects the College's strategic direction.
O-5.15 Recruitment and Selection Policy
The Recruitment and Selection Policy provides a foundation for hiring based on good practice, sound principles and reflects the College's strategic direction.
O-6 Information Management
O-6.1 Protection of Privacy
To establish principles and guidelines that enable the college to comply with the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
O-6.2 Record Management
To establish commonly understood and efficient practice for the retention and disposition of college records that ensures Camosun meets its legislative, financial and legal obligations as a public body to manage its records in a systematic and consistent manner.
Current directives including Sponsorship, Absences from Campus due to Covid-19 and Temporary Remote Working.
D-1.1 Sponsorship
To create a consistent policy for solicited and non-solicited sponsorship opportunities while supporting the goals and objectives of 51Թapp as a leader in post-secondary education and skills training.
D-1.2 Absences from Campus due to COVID-19
To direct employees and students experiencing COVID-19-associated symptoms or self-quarantining to report their absences and refrain from attending on campus.
D-1.3 Temporary Remote Working: COVID-19
The purpose of this directive is to provide employees - including Workplace Leaders (WPL) – with a common understanding of the obligations and responsibilities while working remotely in response to COVID-19.
Supporting documents
D-1.4 Election Campaigning on Campus
Questions can be expected on how to manage people on campus who are either campaigning for election or are campaigning for a candidate of their choice.
D-1.5 Access to Learning Management System
This policy informed directive provides information on the management of access to the College’s learning management system. It reflects current practices and processes related to access to the LMS, and uphold specific College policies and agreements.
D-1.6 Fair Dealing of Copyrighted Materials
This policy informed directive is based on the fair dealing guidelines developed by Colleges and Institutes Canada, in accordance with decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada. The CICAN guidelines provide post-secondary institutions reasonable safeguards for the owners of copyright-protected works in accordance with theCopyright Actand the Supreme Court decisions.
D-1.7 Alternate Formats
This directive outlines how Section 32 (Alternate Formats) of theCopyright Actis applied at the College.The Canadian Copyright Actpermits alternate format copies of literary, dramatic, artistic and musical works to be made for individuals with perceptual disabilities.
D-1.8 Death of an Indigenous Elder Protocol
The purpose of this directive is to provide 51Թapp with direction and guidance on how to commemorate a recently deceased Indigenous Elder.
Supporting documents
D-1.9Media Relations
The objective of this directive is to ensure the reputation of 51Թapp as an organization and as a leader in post-secondary education through accurate, consistent, relevant and timely messaging.
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