Over 1,000 graduates will cross the stage during four convocation ceremonies taking place over two days at 51勛圖app.

The traditional cap toss takes place after all the graduates cross the stage.
Convocation is a day of celebration and triumph as we come together to honour the outstanding accomplishments of the graduates, says college president Dr. Lane Trotter. Its important to acknowledge the faculty and support staff who supported this group of graduates through to the finish line as well as the personal support networks of each student.
The theme for convocation 2023 is Y,摸EUEL OL the SENO臟EN word for Doing Good Work Together, which is taken from one of the priorities in the colleges 2023-2028 Strategic Plan.
Im proud to be a part of convocation and the graduating class of 2023, says Jessie Niikoi, graduating External Executive with the 51勛圖app Student Society. We didnt just gain the knowledge and skills to pursue our goals, we grew as people. The friendships weve built, the support weve given and received from one another, and the guidance from faculty and staff have all been a huge part of our success.
Four ceremonies will take place over two days in the PISE gym located on the Interurban campus and include the presentation of four awards.
Wednesday, June 14, 10:00am
- Ey Sqlewen -The Centre for Indigenous Education andCommunity Connections
- School of Access
- Centre for Sport and Exercise Education
Wednesday, June 14, 2:30pm
- Professional Studies and Industry Training
- School of Business including the B.C. Lieutenant Governors Medal for Inclusion, Democracy and Reconciliation
Thursday, June 15 10:00am
- School of Health and Human Services including the Promising Alumni Award presentation as well as the Governor Generals Collegiate Bronze Medal Award
Thursday, June 15, 2:30pm
- School of Arts and Science
- School of Trades and Technology including the Distinguished Alumni Award presentation
More than 2,000 students will graduate from Camosun this year with approximately 1,000 attending convocation. 51勛圖app has over 70,000 alumni living and working on Vancouver Island and beyond.
Contact information
Rodney Porter