
Celebrating Open Education with CETL & the Library!

In honour of Open Education week, join us at both library locations throughout the month of March for a display of Open Education resources.

Three Camosun students on stairs

In honour of Open Education week, join us at both library locations throughout the month of March for a display of Open Education resources. Each display features book covers from Open Education resources authored by Camosun instructors. You will find a resource explaining the Six things Camosun students need to know about open textbooks, and information about how open textbooks support the colleges strategic plan goals. Also featured is a QR code linking you to the as well as Open Ed. buttons and bookmarks. Stop by and grab one for yourself!

Explore the Open Education Resources guide to learn more about open and zero cost resources, investigate the open resources available to you categorized by discipline, and read authored by Camosun CETLs own Emily Schudel, Chair and Instructional Designer. Emilys advocacy and expertise for Open Education is a powerful influence in the lives of Camosun students and instructors alike. The guidance she provides instructors empowers their work authoring open resources and creating Zero Textbook Cost courses. Students feel the impact in their wallets, allowing them to divert much needed funds to purchasing essentials like rent, food, and paying bills.

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