Nic Ihmels is a self-confessed movie buff. His time at 51勛圖app combined with a love of cinema has helped pave the way for undergraduate studies at the University of Victoria.
ETP grad Nic Ihmels
Nic started his post-secondary journey by spending two years in Employment Training and Preparation programming at 51勛圖app to help gain skills for life, learning and work. He took programming in customer service, food service, essential literacy and numeracy, as well as gardening. Nic went on to upgrading courses in English and graduating with a diploma from the School of Arts and Science.
My confidence grew a lot over time until it skyrocketed in upgrading. When I started I didnt think it would go anywhere. High school wasnt the best time in my life, says Nic.
Autism meant he was unable to take English or math classes in high school but felt that Camosun provided him with the education and confidence he needed to get on the path to success.
Making new friends, feeling that he was in a safe environment and supportive instructors were important features of his time at Camosun.
I made a lot of friends during my first year in ETP that I stay in contact with, says Nic. I got involved in the student newspaper for about five years. My editor was an awesome boss who was very understanding, flexible and worked with me to improve my work space and my performance.
Nic is now in his first year of an undergraduate arts degree at the University of Victoria with the goal of going into film making.
My confidence grew a lot over time until it skyrocketed in upgrading."
ETP grad Nic Ihmels
I want to make movies and write movies because thats what I loved since childhood. Ive started writing scripts mostly for assignments.
I thought ETP was very helpful and the teachers were very nice, says Nic. I learned a lot of very useful information about how to get a job.
Nic has overcome a lot of barriers including being told that English was impossible for him due to autism. Spelling in particular was an obstacle he had to overcome with the help of a tutor in addition to college resources including the Centre for Accessible Learning and support from instructors that has continued at UVic.
People have been telling me that English wasnt for me and was impossible for me. When I went to English upgrading a lot of people told me that I was going to flunk and wouldnt do well in English class. I thought I wouldnt last a month and it turned out that I was actually pretty good.
Nic is looking forward to completing his undergraduate degree after which he hopes to pursue a career as a filmmaker, ideally, making science-fiction movies.
One of the things that really changed for me was that in high school I was always late and didnt have a good sense of being on time. I was late all the time. Camosun helped me a lot with time management, adds Nic. Camosun was really good at helping me. Try your hand at upgrading. Its really beneficial for helping you decide what you want to do with your life. Ive learned a lot and I am sure the school has too.
51勛圖app ETP programs
Employment Training and Preparation (ETP) programs are designed for adults who identify as facing barriers to education and employment. These strength-based learning programs equip students with the skills needed for entry-level jobs while exploring various work, educational, and community environments. In small cohorts, students develop essential life, learning, and work skills in retail, kitchen, and garden settings, with opportunities for workplace certifications and practical experience. Learn more at

Employment Training & Preparation
Break down barriers, prepare for entry-level employment and explore a variety of work.
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Rodney Porter