Applying for and managing your funding is easier when you're well informed. Find what you need to know to meet your academic goals while staying financially responsible.

Financial tips
- Look into all types of financial assistance: Talk to Financial Aid & Awards about your eligibility for Camosun bursaries, government loans or grants for full-time or part-time post-secondary programs, trades, or upgrading and other access programs, and other funding, like Bursaries, Scholarships & Awards or child care subsidies.
- If you receive student financial assistance, always check with Financial Aid & Awards before changing your program or course credit load, as changes can affect your eligibility for different kinds and amounts of funding.
- Assess your current expenses and develop a detailed budget with education, living, and potential emergency expenses, and review it with family or friends. Online tools are available at .
- Get used to your budget and see if it is practical by living within your limits before starting school.
- Consider studying part-time if your program allows, if full-time costs are too high.
- Look for money-saving ideas: second-hand books and clothing, discounted groceries, taking the bus, low-cost entertainment, etc.
Working and school tips
Work smart to avoid limiting your study time and scholastic success.
- Check your program information for out-of-class study requirements before arranging work.
- Don't work more than you have to! Look into Financial Aid & Awards and follow a budget.
- Try to find work related to your studies or career goal, it can help support your learning. Co-operative Education offers paid work experience for credit.
- Try to find work close to home or college so commuting doesn't eat into your study time. Use your time on the bus to study.
- Talk to your employer in advance if you anticipate needing time off for assignments or exams; check if co-workers will cover for you.
- Ask your employer whether it is permissible to study during slow periods at work.
- Try to work as much as possible during the summer and winter breaks; it may enable you to reduce your hours during academic terms.
- Check out on-campus student work through Student Employment Services.

Fee info
When planning your budget take time to review tuition and fees.