The Curriculum Development and Program Renewal (CDPR) team assists faculty to develop or renew the curriculum in their programs and courses.
Curriculum development & renewal
Curriculum development and renewal may occur in response to environmental, industry, discipline or student needs, or recommendations from a program review. Learnabout theQuality Assurance Framework and the Self-Study process.
Tell us what you need!
- Are you thinking about renewing andrefreshing your course or program?
- Would you like to Indigenize your course(s) or program and youre not sure where to start?
- Are you submitting curriculum for Education Approval (SCC, ICC, Education Council) in the coming weeks or months?
- Would you like someone to give feedback on your course learning outcomes and/or course description(s), before starting the Education Approvals process?
- Would you like to know more about curriculum mapping to support an upcoming program review?
- Have you recently completed a program review, and are you wondering, Whats next?
- Is your department thinking about developing a new course or program and youre not sure where to start?
If so, reach out to the Curriculum Development & Program Renewal (CDPR) team.
We will be happy to design customized, highly practical working sessions tailored to the needs of individual faculty and faculty teams.
Connect with Mavis Smith (Team Leader) at
- How to Write an Effective Course Description
- How to Write an Effective Program Description
- Learning Outcomes Style Guide 2024